In the Wake of Love, Hopelessness Disappears

I always appreciate how other folks can say what I see better than me.

IMG_0813The vast rat race of modern life

Have we all bought into the lie

Money makes you happy, so find success

Acquire all the money you want, then die

Death is the great equalizer of us all

Something that transcends race and class

We cannot escape its omnipresent grasp

We cannot overcome, nor can we surpass

What then do we live for

Why continue if the edge is our end

What is the glory of wealth

If hope it cannot land

And what of happiness on a September day

If tomorrow it shall rain

Life is more than the moment

For it all culminates to be vain

Do we pass on forever in our children

But they too succumb to eternal rest

Our children’s children will one day cease

The hope of life a cruel jest

And of the bond between lovers

A tale more fiction than fact

For all lovers…

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